Why my domain name is showing Pending at MGCSpace.com

So you have selected a domain name, successfully placed the order and also made the payment at MGCSpace, now on successful registration, you should receive confirmation mail as well as domain should show status as "Active" under services in Domain menu.

However, on rare instances, sometimes even after successful order and payment, domain status is still pending then it means that the registration of your domain name was not successful and there was an issue in the process.


If the domain is on status Pending Registration despite that you have placed your domain registration order and paid your invoice, you need to contact the MGCSpace support team. Our team is available 24/7 and will help you to get issue with domain registration as soon as possible.

What are common possible reasons for domain registration failure?

There could be multiple reasons for domain registration failures

  1. Incorrect contact details

    When registering a domain, you will need to provide personal information such as:

    • Your First and Last name;
    • Your Organization (If you own a company);
    • Tax ID (If you own a company);
    • Your Email address;
    • Your Phone number;
    • Your Street;
    • Your City;
    • Your Country;
    • Your Postal code.
    • Etc.

    If some of the details required for registering a domain name are provided incorrectly, the domain will be stuck on the status Pending Registration. Usually, this happens when system is not able to properly validate the provided information. As resolution, provide correct contact information and if still facing issue then open support ticket with MGCSpace support team.

  2. Contact / Email Verification

    Some of the registry or domain tlds requires you to explicitly verify your contact details, email address. You may receive validation mail after making the purchase, you are required to follow instructions given there or forward that mail to us so that we can help you with verification process

  3. Domain Unavailable for registration / reserved name

    Sometimes you may see a domain available but still can't register or registration fails, this could be due to reasons like that domain not available for registration, is reserved at Registry level. This is actually common when various tlds registry reserves some words or combination of letters and they can't be registered. Sometimes you can't registered a domain name as its premium and require extra amount to get it registered.

If you are facing difficulty in registration process for any domain, you may open support ticket with our team and will help you to get issue resovled as soon as possible.